The Club are very saddened and shocked to learn that on Monday afternoon (26th August), George Young,
our friend and fellow club servant passed away following a great fight against a progressive illness. George joined Morpeth Harriers a few years ago, after a long, and fairly prolific competitive career with Blyth Running Club, where in his later days, he had also assisted as a Club Coach, helping to cultivate the development of some of their growing numbers of younger talents, who included his own son James. It was when James joined up with Morpeth Harriers to further his own competitive ambitions, that George decided to follow him, and he joined the ranks of our own much needed coaching staff, helping mainly with the progressive Middle-Distance Groups, coached by Mike Bateman. George soon proved himself to be a real asset, and being a most knowledgeable and likeable man, he quickly fitted into a new club setup. The club are extremely grateful to George for all of the time and hard work he has carried out over the last few years, and he will be very sadly missed by all who worked alongside him, and indeed grew to know him as a very pleasant and gentle man, and someone who would go out of his way to be of assistance in whatever task was given to him. He had a great relationship with some of the club’s younger talents, that, in itself a very precious and special virtue, and in that respect will be very sorely missed by all who knew him and respected him. At this time, Morpeth Harriers & AC, and its members, offer their deepest condolences and thoughts to George’s Wife Catherine, Son James, Daughter Louise, and all other close family members, at their time of extreme sadness. The funeral Service for George took place on Friday 6th September 2019 at 12.15pm at Cowpen Crematorium. This was followed by refreshments at Blyth Golf Club, to which all friends were invited by George’s family, in his honour.
Lee Morgan
30/8/2019 08:27:26 am
Very sad news and my condolences go to George's family. A real top bloke and was always there for advice and encouragement.
Gary Jones
30/8/2019 11:38:42 am
Really top approachable man who I first met at Blyth Running Club when I first started running.A very good runner in his younger days and a great coach who, like Lee has said really knew his stuff.Thoughts are with Cath,Louise and James. Comments are closed.
February 2025