Membership fees for the current year are now due.
As previously outlined, a decision had been taken by the club to defer these till April due to the uncertainty around the sport and the national lockdown. A clear pathway has now been laid out by England Athletics, however, including the resumption of training groups, reopening of facilities and competition gradually resuming (subject of course to possible changes). Please see separate article for details of how Morpeth Harriers will be managing these arrangements. Full information about the payment of your subs is available here. Please use the table and the drop-down menu to select the appropriate membership type. Any queries can be sent in the first instance to [email protected]. Membership fees can be paid using bank transfer using the details at the bottom of the form. Alternatively, a cheque can be sent to the address shown. Prompt payment is appreciated. At the same time we are updating our membership records and database. To help us do so, please can you complete the personal information section of the form. If you are unable to do so online, a paper copy can be provided. Please note: you will not be registered with England Athletics, should you wish to be, until your subs have been paid. With thanks, Morpeth Harriers Comments are closed.
January 2025