Latest update on Morpeth Harriers & AC President Jim Alder, is that he is currently in the Freeman Hospital, following being transferred from Cramlington Hospital on Tuesday 5th December, after being admitted there on Monday 27th November. Jim has undergone a series of tests on his heart functions, which have all proved positive, and is now awaiting further decisions by specialists. He is reported to be in very good spirits, and eager to learn of progress within the club in his absence. Best wishes have been conveyed to Jim from all club members, and it is hoped that it will not be too long before he is back amongst us in his supporting role.
Brenda and Colin Robinson
10/12/2017 02:43:14 pm
Be strong Jim and get over that next hill.
Bert Carse
11/12/2017 09:54:10 am
Wish you a speedy recovery to good health Jim. I was thrilled to catch up with you and the others at the reunion dinner at Fettes in 2014. 11/12/2017 10:21:44 am
Hi Bert 11/12/2017 10:24:56 am
Hi Brenda & Colin, Many thanks for your thoughts and wishes, we shall pass these through to Jim. Comments are closed.
January 2025